Looking Forward / Looking Backwards is a series of articles discussing ACC PUB INK’s former and upcoming projects.

If you’ve been following ACC 2018 and ACC Cinematic (which you should be) you’ll have noticed me advertising a project called two. The first trailer dropped via AC3 earlier in the month, and I’ve posted a few photos here and there… but it’s time to get real. And with the announcement of two comes the announcement of something else: INKblot Press.
Very early on in the process of writing two, it was clear this project would be very different from everything I’ve done before. two is a story about teenagers, written by teenagers, and we wanted it to be genuine. However, this means that some teenagers behave and speak in ways that I myself do not condone.
Basically, two is going to be ACC Pub Ink’s first Mature-Rated production, and I want to be up front about that.
Don’t get me wrong– two is still pretty tame. There isn’t any gore, or sexual content, or anything of the sort, but there is lamguage– a lot of language– and some teens use substances such as cannabis for recreational purposes. It’s part of the the narrative, and while it doesn’t define the narrative, it’s there and I want everyone forewarned.
To that end, I’m designating two as part of INKblot Press, an imprint of ACC Pub Ink which tells darker stories with more mature themes. two belongs under this imprint, as will Wallis & Cade, a serial narrative coming to Electric Eccentric sometime this year.
I hope you’ll stick with me for these new adventures- I’m so excited to share them with you!