Cad (Narration): I’m learning things are rarely as simple as they appear.
Castor and Nala stare, stricken, at Mr. Emmens.
Nala: Malcolm was always an alien?
Mr. Emmems: Yes. He crashed in our yard as little more than an infant, and… we took him in.
Castor: You took in an alien as your son?
Mr. Emmens: He was just a child.
He looks away.
Mr. Emmens: And now he’s dead.
Nala: Holly saw you with alien technology though.
Mr. Emmens: We cannibalized portions of his ship and reverse engineered the tech. So far we’ve discovered a new source of energy, created anti-gravity pistols…. and so much more. But that’s not important. What’s important is that you let us discover who murdered our son privately. This investigation is a family matter.
He takes a deep breath.
Mr. Emmens: Somebody broke into my home, killed my son, stole an anti-gravity pistol, and–
Nala: …it was a rock.
Mr. Emmens: What?
Nala: A rock broke the window. It came from outside. But with an anti-gravity gun…
Mr. Emmens: …it could’ve been pulled from inside. What are you saying?
Nala: I’m saying you have the order wrong. Somebody stole an antigravity gun, killed your son, and used it to cover their tracks.
Mr. Emmens: That’s impossible. The only people who know about the alien technology are my wife and child–
His eyes widen.
Mr. Emmens: No.
Cad: Case in point.
Cad and Hunter rush back in the van, an urgency in the air.
Cad: Come on, come on, come on, pick up…
The telephone rings and rings.
Hunter: Nobody’s answering. Cad. You have to go ahead.
Cad: But–
Hunter: I’m right behind you. Go get them.
Reluctantly, Cad turns to Starlight, removing his clothes to reveal his costume. He flies into the air.
Cad: I’ll let you know what–
Hunter: Go!
We cut to Parker’s house. His family room is in ruins. Parker is hiding behind the couch as Millie approaches, anti-grav gun in hand.
Millie: Its a shame, Parker. For someone of your class, you were pretty handsome. Its a shame you know too much.
Parker: You don’t have to do this.
Millie: I don’t. I didn’t have to do any of this. I didn’t have to kill my brother. But it was for the greater good.
A disgusted look crosses her face.
Millie: I’m the real heir. He isn’t even of blood! But he was going to get the company. I just know it. Just because his grades were a little better.
Parker: Um… sorry?
Millie: Not as sorry as I am.
She raises the couch with the anti-grav gun and Parker scrambles out awkwardly. Eliza comes up behind her with a vase and tries to hit her on the head, but Millie whips around and slaps her away. The couch comes crashing down.
Millie: Now, where were–
Starlight crashes in through the door and stands between Millie and Eliza.
Starlight: Leave them alone.
Millie: A superhero. Cute.
Cad: Maybe I can talk her down.
Starlight: It’s too late, um, ma’am. By now the truth has come out.
Millie: Oh, really? You expect me to believe–
Her phone rings. She glances down. It’s her Dad. Millie goes pale.
Millie: No…
Starlight: Sorry.
Millie: Oh well. My father always was sentimenal and weak.
She whips around and hits Parker with the anti-grav gun. He starts falling upwards.
Parker: Augh!
Eliza and Cad: Parker!
Starlight streaks up after Parker as he crashes through the roof and goes tumbling towards the heavens. He powers after him, just a little behind, just a little too slow…
Cad: Come on, come on, come on…
He burst ahead and grabs Parker.
Parker: Cad! I’m still falling up!
Cad: I noticed!
Cad tries to fly downward but they remain stuck, cancelling each other out.
Millie stalks towards Eliza down below.
Millie: Sorry darling, it’s time for you too.
Eliza glances at something over Millie’s shoulder and Millie turns, only to be punched in the face, hard, by Nala.
Nala: I always thought you were a b****.
Castor scrambles in, Mr. Emmens behind them.
Mr. Emmens: Millicent! What have you done!
Millie: What I had to.
Castor: No offense, but that seems like 100% untrue.
We cut back to Cad and Parker. Cad’s failing and they’re tumbling upwards.
Parker: Leave me, dude! Save yourself!
Cad: I think I can breathe in space.
Parker: Good for you!
Cad: Park, if this is it… you’re the best friend I’ve ever–
Parker: What the ****?
Cad: I said, you’re the best friend I’ve ever–
Parker: No, look!
A shadow falls over them. Another spaceship sits above them, identical to the one in Littleville, except not torn to pieces.
Cad: Well, that’s new.
A tractor beam comes out of the spaceship and tugs them in. Everything goes black.
We cut back down to below.
Millie: You never loved me, Dad. I wasn’t special. Not like him.
Mr. Emmens: That’s unfair and you know it.
Millie: I don’t know anything of the sort.
Nala: It’s over, Millie. Give it up.
Millie: Not even close–
Suddenly, there is a flash of light. The room is filled with a crew of aliens, the same species as Mal was, along with Starlight and Parker.
Millie: What the–
Mr. Emmens: Augh!
Castor: Holy–
Starlight: Everyone, calm down.
Parker: They… come in peace.
The aliens say something unintelligible.
Starlight: They’ve come here looking for their lost grandchild.
Parker: We, uh, told them the truth, and uh…
One of the aliens steps forward, and abruptly, hugs Mr. Emmens. Tears stream down both of their cheeks.
Alien: thank you.
Mr. Emmens: …
They separate.
Starlight: They appreciate everything you did for Malcolm.
Mr. Emmens: But I couldn’t protect him.
Starlight: They know. Which is why they want her.
Everyone turns to Millie.
Millie: What? I–?
The aliens say something again.
Parker: They say they won’t hurt her. They just want to help her like you helped him.
Starlight: They forgive her. But she still needs to see what she’s done.
Millie: Don’t be ridiculous, I…
Mr. Emmens: How do I know I can trust them?
Cad shrugs.
Starlight: They saved us.
Cad: Like I said, things are rarely what they seem. And things can always get weirder.
We watch as the aliens take a furious Millie onto their ship, even as a distraught Mr. Emmens watches.
Cad: And nothing is weirder than family.
Parker’s dad comes home and sees the mess.
Parker’s Dad: Parker…..!
Parker’s dad marches upstairs, makes a beeline to Parker, and…
Parker: Dad, I–
…hugs him.
Cad: They come in all sorts.
Castor is sitting in his home when suddenly a butler pokes their head in.
Butler: Master DuPont? Your parents would like to talk.
Castor: I’m not interested in whatever they have to–
Butler: They say they know you know. And it’s time you learned about the family business.
Castor looks surprised.
Cad: And I guess that’s what we are.
Team Starlight gathers in Parker’s home, helping to patch it up. They share small smiles as they work.
Cad: A family. Does Team Starlight need to exist? Absolutely not. But I’m glad it does.
Next: Five By One!